Six step to start setting Goals.

There are Six Step to start setting Goals.

Step 1 : Identify your Vision and your starting place.
Step 2 : Develop a clear statement of purpose.
Step 3 : Translate a purpose into memorable Goals.
Step 4 : Read in to Action.
Step 5: Evaluate your plans accordingly.
Step 6 : Celebrate Accomplishment.

Identify your Vision and your starting place :  Once you define your vision and you have a sense of what your starting place is knowing both of these is critical to your success. Without a vision you will not know where you are going. And without know your starting place you will not be able to charge your course. After all, it is  possible to have  a map and compass are completely useless you know the fifth point of the compass - Where you are now !

Develop a clear statement of purpose : You are probably already acquainted with the concept of a purpose statement. Effective organization - Business, educational institutions, churches etc - use them to give their people clear direction in all that they do. As BOB TOWNSEND said in hi book up the organization "One of the important functions of a leader is to make a organization concentrate on its objective". You too, need something to give you clear direction and help you concentrate on you objective. If you dont provide it, no one will.
The best way to help your self focused is to write a clear statement of purpose for your life. After all does not everyone desire to discover and live his purpose for existence ? When you articulate it, it helps you to remain focused and effective. Develop your purpose statement based on your vision  and your persona convictions. It will help you to make your goals more specific and effective.

Translate purpose into memorable Goals : Armed with vision of the future and your purpose statement, which will help of give you direction, you are ready to begin setting both long and short term goals. Goals can be identified by performance or by duration. Depending on what you want to accomplish, your goals can invoice any area of your life. Here are examples of area where you may want to set goals.
  • Personal Development
  • Physical Development
  • Spiritual Development
  • Professional Development
  • Relationships
  • Family concerns
  • Finance 
Begin by writing down any goal that comes to you. At first, do not make judgments concerning whether the goals are viable or not. Do not worry about whether they are long term or short term. At this point you are to be creative and dream big.

Once you have written down every thing you can think of, check your goals against your purpose statement. Ask two questions.
Does each goal advance me forward my vision ?
Have I written down the mail two to five goals I need to accomplish in order to realize my vision ?

Once you have identified some of your goals, you can begin to build a strategy for your success.

Think of your goals forming a pyramid. Above that pyramid is your statement of purpose. Every goal you set, all that you do to accomplish those goals must point to your statement of purpose. They pyramid itself is made up of five sections. The top most section is the smallest, the most focused. It contains your life-long goals. Each of the section beneath it contains all of the smaller goals necessary for the accomplishments of the larger goals above them. Here is an overview of each of the five sections.

Pyramid Diagram Concept :

  • Life Long Goals
  • Long Term Goals
  • Intermediate Goals
  • Short Term Goals
  • Regular Disciplines
Read Into Action : You can define your purpose and painstakingly set goals for every stage of your life, but if you do not move into actions, you will accomplish nothing. If you do act, you will like a man some one said about,  He had always wanted to visit China. so he decided to study its art, history, philosophy and culture. He studies maps of all its provinces. He booked his plane reservations, and then he planned a detailed itinerary. He marked down each place he wanted to visit, accounting for every hour of his journey.

A friend of his who knew how much he was looking forward to his trip stopped by the man's house a few days after the man was to have returned and asked him "How Was China?"

The man replied "well i guest it if fine. I never saw it."
"What" cried his friend. But you spent all that time planned what happened ?
Well I love planning a trip, but I just can not stand going to the airport, so I stayed alone.
Contemplating and planning achievements will never satisfactorily replace the attainment of those achievement. Without action, the planner is merely a day dreamer.

Evaluate your plan periodically:
As important as moving into actions is periodic evaluation of your progress. As you proceed, you will sometimes discover that the short term goals you have identified are not moving you closer to your long-term goals. Or you may discover that you have not made your goals realistic enough. Or you may decide that one of your long range goals is not really contributing to your vision and ultimate purpose of your life. No matter what the circumstances, you will need to make adjustments. The newer goal getting is to you, the more miscalculations you are likely to make. And the more often you will need to re-evaluate and adjust your goals.

Another problem people sometimes have you are not used to working with goals is that they get sidetracked. they set goals and write out what they must do to accomplish them, and then they forget to follow those guidelines. One way to help combat this problem is to put the following sign in your office : " Is what I am doing right now getting the closure to my goal ?"

Celebrate Accomplishments:
Finally, take to celebrate accomplishments, I have always been deliver in the reward system. When i accomplish something I have set out to do.I give myself a reward. Small accomplishment - Small reward great accomplishment - big reward. For Example , if have some work that has to be accomplished that will take me a few hours, I may fell myself that when I am finished, I can take a short break, get something eat, or watch a ball game. What I never allow myself to do is to reward myself before i accomplish what I have set out to do. When I accomplish a major milestone, I make the celebration something to remember.

Also Read : What is Goal ?


"To achieve happiness, we should make certain that we are never without an important goal."
"The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going"
"To Achieve success, you need to develop goals."

Right thinking creates a solid foundation for success. But it is only the first part of the strategies for success. Once you have formed that foundation, you are ready to begin building on it. In order to achieve success, you need to develop goals.

Goals : The Building blocks of Success.
Up to now, we have talked quite a bit about success, but we have not identified what it means to be successful. Ask few people to define success, and you will probably get ten different answers. To one person it involves earning a certain amount of money. To another, success means being an excellent parent. Yet another person will say that he is successful if he reaches his potential in his profession. Take a look at this satirical description of successful person.

The practical person is the one who knows how to get what he wants.
The philosopher is one who know what people ought to want.
The successful person who knows how to get what he ought to want.

Success is the progressive realization of worthwhile, predetermined goal. This definition can work for anyone, no matter what his focus is in life. It allows you to tailor success to your personal values and vision. At the same time, you can see how incrdibly important goals are. Without defined goals, success is unattainable, because success is actually the attainment of those goals.

Goals do even more than just identify the desired end results. They help all along the way. Goals are measurable milestone along the road to success, their values is Tremendous.

  • Goals Motivates us.
  • Goals Give us Purpose.
  • Goals add value to work.
  • Goals keep our priorities straight.
  • Goals channel and maximize our potential.
  • Goal give us power to live in the present.
  • Goals help us communicate.
  • Goals promote enthusiasm in a Organization.
  • Goals forces us to Plan ahead.
  • Goals shift our Emphasis from activity to output.
How to Start Goal Setting ?
To be effective, goal setting can not be one time activity. No one sets goals, accomplishes them, and then retires. Goals Need to identified, planned, acted upon, and then evaluated on an ongoing basis. Circumstances will require you to be flexible  in some area. As you change, so will your goals. Remember, what happnes inside of you as you travel in pursuit of your goals is ultimately more important than just achieving a present goal.

Goal setting must become a way of life. But every one has to start somewhere on the road to becoming a goal orented person. Most people are not born that way. There are basic six steps you can take in roder to start setting goals.

Also Read  : Six step to start setting Goals.


"Poor Eyes limit your sight, poor vision limits your deeds."

"A blind man's world is bounded by the limit of his touch; an ignorant man's world by the limit of his knowledge, a great mans's world by the limits of his vision."

A vision statement is sometimes called a picture of your company in the future but it’s so much more than that. Your vision statement is your inspiration, the framework for all your strategic planning.

A vision statement may apply to an entire company or to a single division of that company. Whether for all or part of an organization, the vision statement answers the question, "Where do we want to go?"

What you are doing when creating a vision statement is articulating your dreams and hopes for your business. It reminds you of what you are trying to build.

While a vision statement doesn't tell you how you're going to get there, it does set the direction for your business planning. (For more on the role of your vision statement in business planning, see Quick-Start Business Planning.) That's why it's important when crafting a vision statement to let your imagination go and dare to dream – and why it’s important that a vision statement captures your passion.

Unlike the mission statement, a vision statement is for you and the other members of your company, not for your customers or clients.

When writing a vision statement, your mission statement and your core competencies can be a valuable starting point for articulating your values. Be sure when you're creating one not to fall into the trap of only thinking ahead a year or two. Once you have one, your vision statement will have a huge influence on decision making and the way you allocate resources.

The Value of Vision : The greater the vision, the greater the potential it gives.
Vision Makes work fun.
Vision Adds Value to our work.
Vision predicts your future.

Obstruction to Vision:
1. Our past can limit our vision.
2. Current pressure can limit our vision.
3. Problem can limit our vision.
4. Lack of perspective can limit our vision.
5. Our present position can limit our vision.

What helps for improvisation.

1. Realizing your vision.
2. Define your vision.
3. Examine your life at the moment.
4. Exchange all the little options for the one big vision.
5. Tailor your personal growth to your vision.
6. Continually express your belief in your vision.
7. Expect opposition to your vision.
8. Exclude negative thinkers at close friends.
9. Explore every possible avenue to fulfill your vision.
10. Exceed normal expectation.
11. Help others who have a similar vision.

Remember : Without other people there can be no success. Vision provides the creative spark that makes great achievement possible. Without vision, there is nothing to shoot for, no target, no greater task to give your purpose and hope.

Overcome Failure

You ever have one of those days where you encounter setback after setback and things just don't seem to go very smoothly? It seems like you're swimming against the tide. Then you start to look back on life and you can only see a mountain of failures and you think the day you're having is just typical of your entire life? Well, it's not. In fact a bad day is just a small bump in the road and there are simple techniques that I am about to outline that will allow you to overcome failure and achieve the success you want in life.

Eliminating Failure :

Did you know that most people who enjoy tremendous success fail more often than they succeed? Thomas Edison conducted 10 thousand experiments before he figured out the right formula for the light bulb. The key to his success and to those who achieve tremendous success in life is that they don't fear failure, they don't look at setbacks as a failure - instead they learn from it and change their approach. Every time Edison failed he made notes - to insure he didn't repeat the same process again and so that he could try a different approach. Too often people dwell on their failures - thus magnifying them and then they come to the conclusion that their entire life is a failure. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you want to eliminate failure - learn from past mistakes and change your approach. I know some of you may say the following: "Karim, I've tried everything - nothing works I don't know what else to do." Have you tried learning from the mistakes and failures of the past?

Don't look at the setback as a failure and throw your hands up in the air saying: "I don't know what to do." Look at the mistake, examine it carefully, see what changes you can make to avoid the same mistake and then try a different approach. Doing this is so important that I get my students who work with the Creating Power system to start changing their approach within the first week. You can't give up - once you do - it's over and nothing gets better. If you're truly ready for success then you have to be ready to learn from failures and past mistakes. It's a natural consequence. Don't fear failure - embrace it and learn from it. When you work with my Creating Power system you'll be creating new habits for success within the first week and you'll discover how doing some simple exercises for 5 minutes a day will change your life.

Change Your Perception :

If you consider yourself a failure you will be a failure and the way to overcome this is to change the way you see yourself. I know some of you may say "Karim, that's just the way it is - how can I not see something that exists." True - but instead of looking at your limitations, instead of looking at the things you don't do well, instead of looking at all the things that have gone wrong - start looking at what is going right, look at the good things in your life, look at your positive qualities. Right about now I get the following comment: "Karim, I can't think of anything positive - there's nothing good going on in my life - you're asking the impossible." First of all I don't think anything is truly impossible. Just the fact that you're alive and functioning is a positive sign. The fact that you're reading this newsletter is a positive sign.

The fact that you want to improve your life and live at your full potential while achieving success after success is a positive sign. Now let's look at the other good things going on in your life. If you're working and earning a living - that's a positive sign. If you have family, friends, a wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend - those are all positive signs. If you're doing the things you want at any point - that's a positive sign. If you help people in some way - no matter how small - that's a positive sign.

I suggest you grab a notepad and pen - then sit down and write all the good things that are going on in your life right now. List all the good things that you have. List all your positive qualities - things that you like about yourself. Then everyday - spend at least 20 minutes thinking about those things - and after a few weeks you'll start to see things differently.

This is an exercise that I get my students started on right away. When you work with Creating Power we take things a little further and you'll begin changing the way you see things so that you overcome failure and get on the road to success within the very first week. Creating Power is the complete system that teaches you how to achieve success and live the life you want on your own terms.

Preparing For Success :

The next step involves training the mind so that you re-direct the subconscious mind to stop creating failure and start creating success. If you focus on your failures you'll attract more opportunities for you to fail. Why? Because your subconscious mind acts on the things that you focus on everyday. Your subconscious mind will attract more situations for you to fail because that's what it thinks you want to happen. When you start doing some of the exercises I just outlined you get your mind to focus on success and in turn you direct your subconscious to start creating opportunities for you to succeed. There is more that you can do - and this involves daily exercises to direct the subconscious mind to attract new situations for you to succeed at rather than situations for you to fail.

Remember - your subconscious mind doesn't know good from bad, it doesn't say: "Hey - this will be bad for you so let's not do that." Your subconscious will only act on your thoughts and beliefs. Think about failure all the time and you'll keep creating failure. Think about success and the positive things in your life - and you'll attract more success. Now things won't change overnight. In fact if you simply do the above exercises results will come in time - but not as quickly as you would like. Why? Because you're only using a limited number of techniques to change years of thinking and a pattern of behaviour that has existed for years.

If you want to change to take place more rapidly, if you want to achieve success sooner rather than later you will need to work with a number of techniques. I've given you a basis to get started - and students who work with my Creating Power system utilize a number of proven techniques to catapult them to success. Creating Power is a 4-week course that will teach you how to train your mind and subconscious mind so that you overcome failure and achieve your goals. With Creating Power you'll be able to have all that you want and more in just 5 minutes a day.

Remember -- You only get one life and one chance. Make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting yourself. Create all the success you want and deserve in life. Let Creating Power teach you how to Create The Life You Want. Start Living Now.

Communication Skills

Definition of Communication Skills :
Every individual needs to be well equipped with the tools to communicate effectively, whether it is on the personal front, or at work. In fact, according to the management gurus, being a good communicator is half the battle won. After all, if one speaks and listens well, then there is little or no scope for misunderstanding. Thus, keeping this fact in mind, the primary reasons for misunderstanding is due to inability to speak well, or listen effectively.

The fact, is that apart from the basic necessities, one needs to be equipped with habits for good communication skills, as this is what will make them a happy and successful social being.

In order to develop these habits, one needs to first acknowledge the fact that they need to improve communication skills from time to time. They need to take stock of the way they interact and the direction in which their work and personal relations are going. The only constant in life is change, and the more one accepts one's strengths and works towards dealing with their shortcomings, especially in the area of communication skills, the better will be their interactions and the more their social popularity.